As lawyers who not only advise on the creation of new technologies but also on their commercial exploitation, we’ve had many clients ask to speak to us about the future of the internet and more specifically the implications of the Metaverse.

Off the back of our conversations, we’ve decided to publish a series of articles which will unpack how the Metaverse will affect various sectors.  Over the coming months, a cross-practice team of our lawyers will be publishing Metaverse specific articles on:

  • Fashion and Advertising;
  • Video games;
  • Music;
  • Film and TV; and

The legal issues to look out for in data protection, dispute resolution and employment law.

But first, what is the Metaverse?

There is no universally accepted definition of the Metaverse despite attempts by many industry leaders to shape the thinking on this topic.

As we explore the potential role of the Metaverse across this series, we will use the following description as the basis for our articles.

The Metaverse will be:

  • an immersive digital world where users can live, socialise, work and play;
  • a persistent environment which exists even when the users are not online;
  • an interoperable environment allowing users and their digital assets to move from one digital world to the next seamlessly; and
  • accessible through different means (be that augmented reality, virtual reality or via a conventional browser).

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