
“They are extremely hard-working, know what they are talking about and are absolutely scrupulous about client confidentiality.”

Chambers UK

Being asked to participate in any regulatory matter or investigation can be daunting. It can involve cooperating with domestic or foreign regulators and state authorities. Sometimes those investigations can be in the public eye.

Likewise, participating as a “Core Participant” in a government inquiry convened under the Inquiries Act 2006 can be daunting and require detailed preparation.

The difficult circumstances of a coroner’s inquest require tenacity when acting for families, while representing businesses accorded “Interested Person” with sensitivity while also anticipating any civil claims that might follow.

We advise our clients on all these matters and, where necessary, we will work with a network of the best PR and security consultants, as well as our own reputation management lawyers, to manage the issues you are facing.